DARK HORSE INTERNAL Dark horse is a movie directed and written by James Napier Robertson. Towards the end of the movie Robertson uses Genesis a mental health patient in one of the biggest scenes where Genesis builds up tension as his team member tries to win a chess final. Genesis had spent most of the movie […]

Describe at least one challenge faced by a character or individual in the written text. Explain how this challenge helped you to understand the character or individual. Ricky struggles with Body Image and being judged for it and growing up with no parent figures that knew how to discipline him. He also has to deal […]

CHAPTER 3 To show Ricky Bakers authentic New Zealand voice throughout the story, Crump uses Rickys point of view to narrate it. Ricky, a young Maori boy from New Zealand is the perfect person to portray the way ‘kiwis’ speak and he does this by using many language features that make our language different. Idiomatic […]

1a// The author compares the cows to rocks in the first 2 sentences because when wet they look quite similar. Rocks are normally large and a dark colour which resembles cows who are also big and black. When both of these get wet they shine and stand out against the elements around them. b// This […]